I moved out of the house last Thursday and haven't really talked to Chaz since. It's weird but at the same time I've already come to accept the finality that our friendship is probably over with. I will run into him at work as our schedules usually have us working a few hours together on Sunday but I can honestly say I'm ready to move on. I need to rethink my friends situation as over the last year I've really dropped contact with a lot of 'em. The last time my week was filled with activities on a consistent basis was a month or two before my surgery and I haven't really tried getting back into the groove of things.
So I guess I now have a goal for this summer.
Tomorrow I'm getting up at 6:30 to go for a jog before class and would love to have that be a consistent thing. The thing I miss the most is playing racquetball but I've got no one to play with. (insert sad music here) I've even got grandpa's old ass racquet that he gave me when he still lived out with us in Arizona. Happened to run into an old buddy from several years back at Subway today and asked if he wanted to play tomorrow.
The apartment is hella dope and I'm really happy with the location and the apartment itself. Did some laps in the pool bought me some Michael Phelp goggles and I think they're radtastic.

i want to visit.